Monday, October 31, 2011

Descendant of William Armistead of Virginia

I found this Document the other day cleaning out some old papers.  Its an National Society
Colonial Dames application that my grandmother Zella Jones Pearson filled out for my cousin 
Margaret Montague Pearson Amaro. I thought I would share it will you since it tells some 
of the Lineage of the Pearson family on my grandmothers side, the Jones'. The line goes 
back to the date of 1619, which is the baptism of John Armistead in Yorkshire, England.  
Shortly after that the Armistead family move to America. and settled in Virginia.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dad 1945

My father Richard Alan Pearson, no date on the back of the photo but I"m guessing its sometime
around 1945 based on the other photos around this one in the photo album.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011


No date on this clipping, I"m thinking its early 70's. I'm wondering why and when they decide to change the name of Derby Road to Diary Road, which is the name I have always know it to be.  A great photo non the less.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Grandmother 1943

My grandmother, Zella Pearson in 1943.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pearson Portrait

A Pearson Portrait dated on the back November 4, 1943.  Never got to meet my grandfather but I
heard he was always smiling and joking around. Who ever took this photo must have said something
really funny. I would love to know what.  You can tell my grandmother is about to start cracking
up also.  They must have been going to some party or some event.  That generation sure did know
how to dress.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

1944 Lincoln Rd

My father when he was a baby in 1944. I"m not sure who the other boy is. No name listed or
written down.  Looks like the house was on Lincoln RD in Anchorage, Kentucky.  I looked the
road up on google maps and I think they changed the name to Lincoln Way but i'm not sure.
My grandmother's writing is really bad, now I know where I get my bad penmanship from.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pearson & Marzian Upholstery

My Grandfather, Guy Pearson was part owner of Pearson & Marzian Upholstery.  I believe it was in Anchorage, Kentucky.  The date on this page was 1945. What a great looking shop. I can just imagine my grandfather getting there early morning with a coffee in hand sliding those doors open. I'm not sure how long he was in the upholstery business or how long the shop was open.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trips to Daytona Beach and New Orleans

Some pictures of vacations to Daytona Beach, Florida 1940 and New Orleans 1941. 
Grandmother Jones(top center) and grandmother Pearson(top right). Also Perry Pearson(top left)
and my grandmother Zella Pearson(bottom left) and her sister Henrietta Davis.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Roots stretching from Kentucky all the way to Florida welcome to House of Pearson.  You will see a
lot of photos and some stories about the House of Pearson. I will try to mix the current and the pass.
October is a special month for me.  My father Richard Alan Pearson was born October 14, 1943
to Guy Pearson(top left) & Zella J. Pearson(top right) of Anchorage, Kentucky. His bother was
Perry C Pearson(bottom).  The story begins with images and dates from my father's baby book. This is
the 1st entry in that album.
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